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HSV 2 IgM CLIA kits - (Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay)


HSV 2 IgM CLIA kits - (Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay)

Category Name Growth Deficiency
Test 96

Item #:                    9068-11   Quantity:               

HSV 2 IgM CLIA kits - (Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay)

HSV 2 IgM CLIA kits - (Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay)

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HSV 2 IgM CLIA kits - (Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay) description:

HSV 2 IgM Chemiluminescence ELISA is intended for the detection of IgM antibodies to herpes simplex
virus 2.

Herpes Simplex Virus is a common pathogen and its primary infection is usually asymptomatic. There are
two immunologically distinct types of HSV: Type 1 and Type 2. HSV 1 is generally associated with oral
infection and lesions above the waist, and HSV 2 is associated with genital infections and lesions below the waist. Clinical cases primarily are 1) eczema herpeticum with eczematous skin changes with numerous lesions, 2) Gingivo-stomatitis and 3) Herpes sepsis, almost only found in newly born of premature infants. HSV 2 IgM Chemiluminescence ELISA is an accurate serologic method to detect HSV 2 specific antibody IgM in serum sample.

Purified HSV antigen is coated on the surface of microwells. Diluted patient serum is added to wells, and
the HSV 2 IgM specific antibody, if present, binds to the antigen. All unbound materials are washed away. After adding enzyme conjugate, it binds to the antibody-antigen complex. Excess enzyme conjugate is washed off and substrate A & substrate B mixture is added. The light generated (RLU) is proportional to the amount of IgM specific antibody in the sample. The results are read by a microwell luminometer compared in a parallel manner with calibrator and controls.

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