Name |
HSV-1-2 IgM ELISA Test |
Full name |
Human Herpes Simplex 1,2 IgM (HSV-1-2 IgM) ELISA Test Kit |
Category Name | Infectious Disease ELISA kits |
Test | 96 |
Method | ELISA method: Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay |
Principle | ELISA principle- Indirect; Antigen Coated Plate |
Detection Range | Qualitative elisa assay- Positive, Negative and Cut-off |
Sample | 10uL Serum |
Specificity | 96.5% |
Sensitivity | 97.8% |
Total Time | ~75 min |
Shelf Life | 12 Months from the manufacturing date |
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The DAI HSV 1+2 IgM ELISA test run may be considered valid provided the following criteria are met:
1. The O.D. value of the reagent blank against air from a microwell reader should be less than 0.250.
2. If the O.D. value of the Calibrator is lower than 0.250, the test is not valid and must be repeated.
3. The HSV 1,2 M Index for Negative and Positive Control should be in the range stated on the labels.
ELISA kits - Rapid tests- Drug tests- Pregnancy test - IFA kits - CLIA assays - Serology tests - Instrumentation
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